I'm glad to make note that progress continues apace on the redevelopment of the site:
- I have added a feed at the right to the CondomBlogs site which I also maintain.
- I have also worked out a way to develop a live feed of new products at Condomania so now I know when new stuff pops up rather than having to negotiate the site. Next up on this will be developing this feed for my affiliate account with them.
- I have integrated a recent comments feed as well. Of course as the site went into disrepair for so long the comments are not current but in a few weeks they should start being far more current.
- I have integrated a remaindered links section to the right as well. For a long time I tried to use Typepad's TypeList functionality for my bookmarking/publishing needs but gave up on that long ago. It really is not at all useful. Quite a while ago I began using del.icio.us for bookmarking purposes and I can't stress enough how nice and completely useful it is. I have had del.icio.us bookmarks replace my normal bookmark behaviour on my Firefox browser and I am in linkage heaven me thinks.
- And finally I am hunting down and starting to import my vast selection of previous posts into this new site.
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