Who We Are

Right now, the editorial board is just getting organized. John Troyer is still doing most of the heavy lifting and is the webmaster. Colin Johnston is our design consultant.

John Troyer can be reached at

John Troyer
Dept Cellular Molecular Pharmacology
University of California
San Francisco, CA 94143-0450
+1 415 502 5650
+1 415 476 6515 (fax)
[email protected]

If you're interested in helping out, check out John's a bit wordy thoughts on what the board is doing.

John Troyer [email protected]
Marjorie Ingall [email protected]
Kris Konrad [email protected]
Liz Highleyman [email protected]
Pamela DeCarlo [email protected]
Danielle Noble [email protected]
Malinda Gibbons [email protected]
Colin Johnston [email protected]
Will Johnston [email protected]
David Barry [email protected]
David Vereschagin [email protected]
Brian Kirkpatrick [email protected]
Jason Dymond [email protected]
Jim McDonough [email protected]
Galit Perahia [email protected]
Lisa [email protected]
Alan Bostick [email protected]

[email protected] (Wed Jan 24 17:42:40 1996)