March 06, 2003

Toya - babygirl's got all the right weaponry

Yesterday I saw a guy overdose on heroin...that was not nice at all. He had been dragged out of the bar next to my work and was outside completely fucked up and unconscious, the paramedics were trying to resuscitate him by giving him oxygen, pumping on his chest, and yelling at him to open his eyes. A crowd of people milled around and just watched, as soon as he was put into the ambulance and the cops dispersed, everyone just walked away and carried on with their day. Human beings are so strange, it's just odd how we all rubber-neck as soon as we see a "broken" person, it interests people to see others in that state, they just stand around and watch as somebody nearly dies, then wonder off to do their groceries or whatever. This post is getting so long and random now...

Posted by filchyboy at March 6, 2003 12:00 AM | TrackBack

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