July 04, 2003

Anniversary Astern

The three year anniversary for this log is coming up in just 3 days. In preperation for the big fun and parties we'll be having here at filchyboy central I am trying to bring the archives up to current coding standards but Blogger is not cooperating. I can post sure but I cannot seem to republish the archives.

But all is well to be sure. I am the only one here today at filchyboy central because of the 4th of July holiday. And to be sure it is hot hot hot as it is just me and the racks of boxes giving off their oh so wonderful "we're hot boxes and we don't care how uncomfortable you feel around us, we're computers bitch!" attitude. So I'm naked. I'm still sweating but at least it's better than doing it in a tuxedo. (Sweating that is - geesh do you have a nasty mind or what)

Speaking of bitches, I am now Marc Barrot's bitch. The man has got to be one of the coolest folks around. I have been trying to make the target function work in activeRenderer and after spending quite a while working on it yesterday I gave up and dropped Marc a note. So this morning he replies with his phone number and asks me to call him up so we can work out the issue live. What a mensch!

Okay so I admit it I just mooned the folks at iFilm. What's a boy to do? Because you like to watch Indeed!

Posted by filchyboy at July 4, 2003 12:00 AM | TrackBack

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