August 05, 2003

Training the Neighbors

For the last few years, across the alley, a school for actors has plied its trade. Normally our paths do not cross.

Once or twice a summer one of the thespians will begin cussing and screaming. The open windows and the still night air carry the sound as though the rest of the city is silent.

I walk across the alley and yell at them. The little one gets nervous when I do. I hear her being uncomfortable up in her window overlooking the alley.

When this started the actors would puff up and deny that they yelled. Quizzical looks followed gentle queries about the profanity. Then stonewalling and protestations to the longevity of the actors' school would roll out from the gathered faces.

"We're sorry," they say as they close the window. Of course my queries are not so gentle any more.

Posted by filchyboy at August 5, 2003 10:13 PM | TrackBack

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