October 01, 2003

Sex With a Large Black Man

Okay here's the deal. When you call me and want to talk about the sex tape you made with your wife and the large black man it's okay. I mean I may get a bit turgid as you describe the set up. I may even betray a bit of interest. (Probably not but I understand your desire to have someone outside of your wife to share the tale with.) It's okay. I want you to feel comfortable to share your doings on the porn set. After all whatever your problem is I just may be able to be of assistance. And everyone knows I am a giver.

And yes I know he had a large penis. Yes of course he doesn't normally wear a condom. You see it is usually better to serve your customers, with their made to order porn shoots, when you are able to expose your huge cock instead of wrapping it in latex. (Unless of course you paid for the latex fetish option.)

But you see here's the deal. When you tell me the tale and ask my advice well then I am inclined to give it. When he fooled you about wearing the condom and came inside your wife he just may have gotten her pregnant. He just may have given her a disease. I mean I doubt he gave her a disease as he is a pro, after all.

But seriously if this happened 3 days ago and, since you asked my opinion, there is a time table for using the day after pill (3 days I think) then when I tell you drop what you are doing and go to the doctor to see about the getting the pill the thing you want to do is actually drop what you are doing and go to the doctor.

Don't tell me the story again. I heard it and understand. I don't need to know any more details. The camera angle when you noticed the big black man was losing the condom just doesn't contribute to my understanding of your problem. And to be sure I can't help you decide if the porn production company cheated you. Even if I could help you decide this you have a much more immediate problem. Got to the doctor, now.

Okay I hope that clears things up. You are welcome!

Posted by filchyboy at October 1, 2003 09:33 AM | TrackBack

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