October 29, 2003George Bush Can't ReadGeorge Bush sent me a very kind note last night asking me to volunteer for his campaign to retain the presidency. George you ignorant slut. Now if you had been reading my public writings for the last several years you would have known that I consider you to be a criminal. In my opinion you should be tried for treason. And well George you know what the punishment is for that. As it stands I would prefer your punishment being stripped naked and lead by a leash and collar through the streets of Baghdad but I am also open to the possibility of an execution, live on FOX News. But either way I am not likely to "help" you be elected to your first presidency. Please pay attention next time, K?!?! Posted by filchyboy at October 29, 2003 10:18 AM | TrackBackComments
I was invited to join the "Founders Circle" of the RNC in a gold letter-embosed letter signed by both Uncle Dick and Fly Boy. It was quite flattering, really. For only $1500 I could sit in the same room as them at a massive luncheon somewhere in DC. Of course any donation was fine if I couldn't make it to the lunch, they assured me, even one as low as $100. For that little, I could be a part of their rich circle of friends. Maybe it would rub off on me, the letter seemed to say, and I'd be rich by proxy. If only I'd sent in my check and become a "founder." Then I wouldn't feel so broke and so tempted to respond to that Nigerian email I received yesterday, or that anonymous chain letter that found its way to my mailbox last week. Send a dollar and get back hundreds! They cast a wide net, don't they, and certainly try to appeal to our desire to be "one of them," or at least "like them" through association. It's got the faint air of social clubs of the past, or perhaps fraternities of today. Just to be considered worthy! I'm feeling so blessed right now I might cry. Love your blog, man. Posted by: Kate at October 29, 2003 06:17 PMHey I'm pleased to know you like it!!! Thanks! Posted by: filchyboy at October 30, 2003 08:44 AMPost a comment
colophon |
The tools used at any one point in time for this document are hard to pin down. The process of how I publish change on a regular basis as I publish from several different platforms and in many different contexts. I am slowly as I learn building a network of my own so that I can publish to my brain dump anytime, anywhere. The following list is a good stab at the tools and responsible parties: |
perl, php, rss, opml, radio, activeRenderer, blogger pro, netnewswire, google, apple, adobe, microsoft, winer, zerolag, cornerhost. |