Undercover condoms — The Place For Retail Condom Purchases
I just wanted to answer a quick question sent in to me by one of our readers. I previously posted about my initial foray into the wholesale condom world, and I described my purchase from Condomman.com. One of our readers desired to know the best place to buy condoms online on a retail scale. Not everyone needs to buy hundreds of condoms at a time, and many people are not comfortable buying them within a brick and mortar retail setting. For them, there is Undercovercondoms.com. Undercovercondoms has a wide selection, and they sell in small retail order quantities. Their prices are competitive, and I have never heard a complaint about their products or service. So our recommendation is to use Condomman for large orders and Undercovercondoms for retail condom purchases.
So I’d like to share a small story from our club’s last get together. For those who haven’t read my postings on safersex in the past, my husband (Tom) and I now manage an “open lifestyle” club here in our mid-sized Midwestern city. We hosted our first “soiree” recently, and the consensus was that our first effort was one of the best get togethers in the club’s nearly 4 year’s of existence. Over 60 couples attended, and we had rooms catering to all (legal) tastes. Seeing this was our first time hosting an event, we wanted to create one room which was especially over the top. After much discussion between Tom and I, we decided to go with his selection of a Jello Wrestling room — part of the core of every man’s fantasy.
Suffice to say, this idea was easier said than done. Creating huge batches of Jello (actually the off brand gelatin, using actual Jello would cost a fortune!!) is not an easy task. After much effort, we were quite proud of the fruits of our efforts, and our guests were quite impressed. Unfortunately, I was unable to initially foresee that I would be nominated (or drafted!) to be among the first participants in this sticky event. If I would have known that, then I probably would have killed the idea in its tracks. But I have to admit, I actually did have fun. I’m a prissy little blonde and hardly a wrestling type, but that didn’t prove to be an issue. The action which ensued resembled love much more than it did war, and Tom said I have never looked sexier as I did covered in sticky red Jello.
Gotta go for now.. love ya,