My Appeal For Safe Sex

Hi, I’m Barbie!

In many respects, I’m a typical Midwest (I’d prefer not to say exactly which city) stay-at-home soccer mom. I’m a petite and perky blonde, and although I detest the term, I have heard the acronym MILF thrown in my direction on several instances. Quite a few of my friends have commented how much I remind them of the woman in the above video, so I attached it to give you some point of reference. I will not be posting pictures of myself on this blog, nor on the other blog ( my husband and I are taking over.

Although we are a typical couple in many respects, our newfound hobby/side business differentiates us from the vast majority of our neighbors. Tom and I have an open relationship and have been members of a local swingers club for almost 4 years. The couple who ran this club recently moved — and we decided to take it over. Hence, we must be very discrete about any personal details posted on our blogs. We initially decided against blogging about sex and our personal exploits, but we changed our minds when a close friend convinced us that our “heartland” sex-positive message might help put a dent in the often repressive Puritanical facets of American society. Whereas will chronicle our exploits now managing “the club”, this safersex blog is a more serious endeavor seeking to educate and convey the importance of keeping sex safe.

As illustrated in the above amusing video, safe sex doesn’t equate to boring sex. Condom use can be creatively incorporated into your foreplay, and in today’s world there is really no excuse for those with multiple partners not to use a condom. We have also adopted a motto of “tested and clean” within our club, and I can’t stress enough the importance of regular testing for those in the scene — as well as all everyone else who is sexually active. will endeavor to provide information and advice in support of hot, but safe, sexual practices. Speaking of which, Tom is now beckoning me away from my laptop — don’t worry, we’ll be safe, I promise!



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