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Wednesday, June 12, 2002
Gene Simmons' Party at the Barfly
I went to a party last night at the barfly for the launch of both a condom and a magazine because of the imagination and drive of Gene Simmons.

At the party I managed to meet Nikki Sixx. His wife Donna D'erico is such an enchanting beauty. I don't think I've ever met a woman so ravishing. I told Nikki that I had the second pressing of their first album and asked if that Leathür mix of the album Too Fast For Love was available on CD. He said that it wasn't. I told him I thought that mix just beat the shit out of Kenny Batiste's enforced remix for Elektra. Nikki said that yea he agreed. He said "maybe we'll put it in the box set" and that "it was a good idea." Nikki was a very nice guy. He had a good strong handshake and he was very engaged in our conversation.

It was good I think to launch a condom as an event to be celebrated. We need more condoms with more personalities. The condom being such a fungible and yet so incredibly an individual item needs to reflect as many lovers as there are people. It is right I think that someone like Gene Simmons, or Ozzy Osbourne, or Kobe or bands like KISS, or Motley Crüe should have their own branded condoms. But to normalize the condom across the entire society George Bush, Martha Stewart, and Colin Powell are going to have to begin branding condoms as well.

6/12/02:10:56:14 PM PST    comment

s a f e r s e x . o r g - an online journal of safer sex
Gottfried Straube
- Gottfried Straube
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