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Tuesday, February 18, 2003 Okay so today I completed the ticket give away. Due to my extreme misfortune at not being in New York City this weekend I was unable to attend the opening party for "He Loves Me He Loves Me Not." But fortunately I was able to send Geoff and his Date from Beautiful Downtown Jersey City & Meg and her Date from Wonderful Minnesota to the event. Let's hope they all had a good time!
If not, well damn, don't blame me. I wasn't even there. Thursday, February 13, 2003 Yes it's true, this here site was ignored in The Nude Bloggies. But that's okay. We're not miffed. But we are currently sitting at our desk being nude in protest. You can see me posing right here pouring out my vinaigrette. Well, maybe next year.
In the meantime I want to bring your attention to the wonderful photography of our in house maestro Gottfried Straub who several years ago gave The Safer Sex Page permission to use his wonderful nudes as the in-house images for all things related to safer sexual health. The three images: showing a couple expecting a child and then two images of the individuals are, around here, the epitomy of what it means to be nude on the net.
So until next year go vote for the Nude Bloggie of your choice. We already voted: Susannah and GnomeGirl. Too bad Jim wasn't nominated either. I sure would have voted for him! Wednesday, February 12, 2003 Luring Preteens With Red Meat A Web site produced for girls by the National Cattlemen's Beef Association solves self-esteem problems with heaps of ground round.
2/12/03 12:54:15 AM ![]() Monday, January 20, 2003 Chilean Porn Politician Promises to Flash Breasts I want to be a porn politician.
This reminds me of the story of Lysistrata by way of women who refuse their men sex in order to stop a war. Of course, if this young politician has very nice breasts there may very well be a deluge of fighting in the Chilean capital along politicians of all stripes. The plot is about as simple as it gets: Athenian women, fed up with the Peloponnesian War, barricade themselves in the Acropolis and go on a sex strike to force their husbands to vote for peace with Sparta. Interestingly Aristophane's Congresswomen has the wives of congressmen take over the assembly to save Athens from corrupt politicians. I guess even then, 2,414 years ago, the politicians were as corrupt as today.
Wives of the Loo and Jekani tribes in Sudan have formed a similar pact. They number in the thousands, according to Pravda. Peter Jones writes, in reference to the professor who has organized these Sudanese women, Good luck to Mrs Ahmed, but to end the civil war in Sudan will require more than a comic sex-strike (which can hardly work anyway if the men are away all the time fighting a war). On the other hand, if she could gain control of Sudan's finances...
Surely he is correct. The folks involved in this war she's trying to stop are led by a man named Joseph Koney of the Lord's Resistance Army who is said to abduct children to be used as sex slaves. So if the men at war can not be swayed by the lack of sex from their wives they can apparently have sex with their children courtesy of Mr. Koney. I would hope that Mrs. Ahmed understands her effort is just one of many which must be deployed to bring men like Joseph to heel.
The Lystrata Project is a worldwide reading of Aristophane's play. The event, to be held on March 3rd, 2003, is intended as a show of disagreement with a preemptive war, or so I understand. I would hope that such an event would involve nudity. Nudity is always nice with protest.
Did I mention I want to be a porn politician? | filchyboy in a world of endless punditry everyone is replaceable Beach Culture: Santa Monica, Malibu, Venice, & Los Angeles.
Please note this blog is currently under development. After a long hiatus, well about six months, I'm developing it again. You may experience lots of broken links and other such problems. Good for you! Hopefully these should be sorted out over the next few days.
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filchyboy in a world of endless punditry everyone is replaceable Beach Culture: Santa Monica, Malibu, Venice, & Los Angeles.
Please note this blog is currently under development. After a long hiatus, well about six months, I'm developing it again. You may experience lots of broken links and other such problems. Good for you! Hopefully these should be sorted out over the next few days.
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